Saturday, October 19, 2013

favorite Daily Show bits, number 6

This one isn't political, but it's certainly good. It's even hard to explain logically, so just feel it -- and enjoy the Yakety Sax. It's How I Meteored Your Motherland, from February 2013.

Jon's impression of an unfazed Russian cow.


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favorite Daily Show bits, number 5

Speaking of Sarah Palin (as in "favorite Daily Show bits, number 4"), this is a particularly good one, in which Jon explains why Sarah Palin is so divisive: it's Sarah Palin's Folksy Word Salad, from June 2011. I particularly like when her voice goes up in pitch as she says "his horse through town," which, to me, is the giveaway that she knows she's BSing.

She's making his brain hurt.


The places to hear from me:
Food - josh lubarr food stuff
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Friday, October 18, 2013

favorite Daily Show bits, number 4

This old favorite, Sarah Palin Gender Card, from September 2008 is a classic Daily Show/Jon Stewart skewering of forked-tongued pundits and talking heads.Watch as Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris, and Nancy Pfotenhauer talk out of both sides of their moths. The subject, of course, is Sarah Palin and how she's a good egg -- and how people just like her who aren't her are rotten eggs.

What could Jon possibly be thinking?


The places to hear from me:
Food - josh lubarr food stuff
Geekiness - geekiness(josh lubarr)
Movies - Old Movies and New with Josh Lubarr
Politics - Progressive Politics (per Josh Lubarr)
Silliness and comedy - Le Repository du Silliness, avec Josh Lubarr
Favorite movies - The Pantheon
Me generally - Josh Lubarr's web site extraordinaire
Also also - Josh's Part of