Sunday, August 21, 2011

Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks

Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks put out three albums in the early 'sixties, which are fantastically funny, though not well known. Each has material with the 2000-year-old man, but has other great stuff as well. They're worth hearing because they're not well-known and deserve to be because each has some riotously funny content. Some of it hasn't aged well, but it's mostly as funny as it probably was then. I'm mentioning them because of the other material, not the 2000-year-old man, which is not well known and pretty darn swell.

The albums are:
2000 Years with Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks
2000 and One Years with Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks
Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks at the Cannes Film Festival

These and 2000 and Thirteen, which has only the 2000-year-old man on it, are all in the Complete 2000 Year Old Man.

More recently, they recorded The 2000 Year Old Man In The Year 2000, which I found far less funny.


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Geekiness - geekiness(josh lubarr)
Movies - Old Movies and New with Josh Lubarr
Places in the real world - Good Things around Boston (according to Josh Lubarr)
Politics - Progressive Politics (per Josh Lubarr)
Silliness and comedy - Le Repository du Silliness, avec Josh Lubarr

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